Surveillance Society, Spying, Tracking, Monitoring, Biometrics, ID Cards
- Alison McDowell podcast: Selling RFK Jr. on Next Gen Nuclear – A Critical Analysis of Matthew Ehret and Fox Green’s “Cheap Energy” Pitch
- Smart Cities – Part 4
- Thursday March 9, 2023 – links and observations (updated)
- Tuesday, March 7, 2023 – links and observations
- November 15, 2022 – Died Suddenly documentary and other topics
- April 25, 2022 – euthanasia, air travel vaccine mandate, Brian Peckford, campaign to reject Digital ID, Tanzania COVID non-compliance
- Comments on NATO sponsored Cognitive Warfare document – Part 3 (Conclusion)
- Strategy for this weekend before Monday’s vote – EDUCATE ALL candidates in your electoral district – Part 3 – all confirmed candidates and Conservative Party plans
- The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles and the poisoning of America
- Stop C-10: NO CRTC regulation of user speech (also comments on cultural conditioning)
- Notes on Between Two Ages by Zbigniew Brzezinski
- Ontario’s immunity passport declarations – people must resist
- Immunity passport interviews in April: James Bullard, President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank: Americans will wear a badge to show that they’ve been tested
- COVID points – overall assessment of what is being done to us
- Rocco Galati’s lockdown lawsuit: Ezra Levant interviews lawyer suing Trudeau, Dr. Tam and more!
- The Five Eyes: The International Syndicate That Spies on the Entire World
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. before and during massive Berlin protests
- COVID-19 health care rationing and death policies – Part 1 (Sep 13)
- British protest website and information on COVID-19
- The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism
- Long Term Care Home Analysis – Part 3 – COVID in Ontario
- Jay Dyer interview from 2018 on planned global (temporary) dictatorship
- Contact tracing provisions in H.R. 6800 (HEROES Act) so possibly H.R. 6666 is a distraction
- Article about documentary “Planet of the Humans” – the sensitivity over the film might indicate a weak point in the elite’s agenda – reliance on high tech (rare earths) resource mining
- George Carlin on the snitch society – reposted videos with disclaimer
- Response to contact tracing: don’t be a snitch or a spy on your family, neighbors and fellow citizens
- Did you know you were giving up air travel? World Economic Forum announces the Great Reset – the great surveillance economy
- Key Points – Corona (1.9) r/c
- Contact Tracing Surveillance Statement 1.0
- 5G statement 1.0
- Rockefeller Foundation National Covid-19 testing plan
- PETITION: No to mandatory contact tracing and government surveillance for the coronavirus in Canada
- How lockdowns were sold to us (part of the story)
- Facial recognition technology proliferating globally
- COVID-19 economic and social engineering agenda
- Vancouver protest Sunday March 24 (add news of other protests to the comments or notify me by email or twitter)
- Apple iOS 13.5 upgrade includes contact tracing API
- Personal strategies to resist contact tracing and WHY you should not participate
- Who controls the British Government response to COVID–19?
- Bill Gates interview from 2015
- Seriously: U.S. Bill – HR 6666 (and HR 6800 ***) – Contact Tracing – the virus is the excuse for this agenda
- May 10, 2020 talk by Alan Watt on current events (COVID-19) – we have to make them back off or we’re dooming generations – say NO
- What I’m not going to do – keeping it simple
- COVID-19: James Bullard, President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank: Americans will wear a badge to show that they’ve been tested
- The Plague and meters: songs of Leonard Cohen and others: apocalyptic and dystopian messages in the culture
- COVID-19 – Part 2 – WHO wants governments to send medical workers into homes and remove family members
- Stop facial recognition in Canada – message local government and add your voice to national petition
- Police facial recognition cameras in London
- Thousands of workers listening to Alexa chats
- Canadian 2019 federal government budget and 5G (revised)
- Marshall McLuhan (1977) – surveillance, propaganda, destruction of identity & privacy
- 5G – overview: surveillance and invasiveness
- Windows 10 update experience – what’s wrong with me?
- Quotations – 1
- Power & Reality Journal – Issue 3
- Policy Themes of Brave New World – Religion for Control of Global Society
- The policy themes of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World – Part 2 – war, terror, anthrax, destruction of culture
- North American Leaders Declaration on Climate Change (2009) (absurd and dangerous “god-like” statements about the climate)
- Totalitarian do-not-call list – CRTC punishes evil home service businesses with huge fines for calling potential customers
- Alan Watt explains the context of Canadian Bill C-51 tyranny, including article by Canadian lawyer Clayton Ruby
- Opposition in Canada to Bill C-51 “anti-terrorism” bill
- Libertarian Party of Canada leader on anti-terror Bill C-51
- petition: REJECT FEAR. Stop government’s “secret police” bill
- Stop spying on us! OpenMedia: send a message to the PM (Updated)
- Government also announces more threats to due process and rights as Bill C-44 introduced – CSIS powers beefed up under new bill tabled by Steven Blaney
- Canadian spy agency set up covert sites worldwide at NSA’s request
- JoyCamp: iPhone 5nSa
- Tracking devices hidden in London’s recycling bins are stalking your smartphone
- Military industrial complex training the young to enjoy being tracked and scanned (and “vaccinated” against mass “zombie” infections)
- ‘You are being tracked’: ACLU reveals docs of mass license plate reader surveillance
- Government wants to geolocate every single financial transaction
- New system uses low-power Wi-Fi signal to track moving humans — even behind walls
- Wi-Fi that sees through walls
- Red Ice interviews Jon Rappoport on Edward Snowden, The Surveillance State & War on the Individual
- New Zealand domestic spying bill, their relationship with U.S.
- Global standardization: Bill and Melinda Gates: controlling population and public education
- Red Ice Radio – Stephan Kinsella – against intellectual property
- Canadian Climate Change Adaptation Project: using bogus “climate change” excuse to find new ways to raise our costs, eliminate options
- NSA’s Canadian counterpart runs massive domestic spying program
- Steve Pieczenik questions narrative of whistleblower Edward Snowden
- NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things’ – video
- U.S. online snooping: what Canadians need to know
- Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations
- White House defends its wiretapping of millions of US citizens
- Research in brain–computer interface (mind-reading)
- Google and the NSA Connection
- U.S. Supreme Court: police can force open your mouth and swab your DNA
- New Canadian protest prevention law makes it illegal to wear masks at “unlawful protests”
- Red Ice interviews Julia & BJ Davis – Top Priority: The Terror Within
- Lifelong surveillance program in Scotland (GIRFEC)
- Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government? Yes
- Red Ice interviews Patrick Henningsen on Boston bombings & third way control mechanism
- Anti-Agenda 21 activist Kathy Hamilton interviewed on Canada Live: explains rights-destroying “precautionary principle” & controlled society
- Privacy-violating Internet surveillance bill CISPA passes U.S. House of Representatives
- Maryland imposing “rain tax”
- Exposing the delusions of the “conservative” movement and the false left-right paradigm, a reality-based assessment of Margaret Thatcher
- Privacy: a postmortem, presentation on Internet surveillance, drones, cell phones, Internet of things
- Psychiatrists anticipate massive power grab, want to collect neuroimaging scans of entire society, excuse is “determining” alleged mental illness in advance supposedly to save health care costs
- More scanning of private web traffic, email
- U.S. plans to allow spy agencies to monitor every citizen’s finances (escalating & confirming what they were already doing)
- What is ACTA?
- ACTA in UK: 10 years in jail for a download?
- Bill C-56 “Combating Counterfeit Products Act” and Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
- Katherine Albrecht on ultimate surveillance
- The Net: the planning and building of a scientifically controlled world order
- Peace Revolution episode on the new feudalism of Agenda 21
- Instead of society based on free will and accountability – starting with prisoners, let’s “screen” for “brain injuries” and drug them with some bogus excuse
- Resistance in Maryland over smart meters
- Obama’s Brain Activity Map project (BAM)
- When CSIS comes knocking – harassment of Canadian peace & rights activists
- Smarter Cities: energy efficiency/carbon/climate change scams lead to elderly being pushed out of their own homes (through expensive upgrades, fuel costs, property tax)
- Behind the Green Mask, Rosa Koire – important points about totalitarian UN Agenda 21, Delphi meeting
- Drone testing and development in Alberta
- EPIC obtains documents on NSA Perfect Citizen program
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, Part 14 – controlled society, technology, planning v. freedom
- Americans (and the rest of us) are the most spied on people in world history
- Judge rejects Canadian spy agency’s bid to wiretap citizens & corporations
- TSA expanding to all modes of transportation: highways, buses, rail, funiculars
- Interview with Julian Assange: entire nations intercepted online, key turned to totalitarian enslavement
- Raped by the TSA
- IBM and the new smarter feudalism – whatever you say IBM, you and your friends are in charge of everything
- Technocracy is smart grid, smart meters, energy certificates, scientific dictatorship, 1936 course
- Mind’s Eye AI “pre-crime” surveillance system by DARPA
- Drug testing 12-yr-old for scrapbooking club, State owns your body, TSA, sports leagues, schools lead the way in violations, most go along
- Potential catastrophes used to justify RFID contracts for tracking human beings
- Hackers backdoor the human brain and extract data
- Domestic surveillance drone build-up in the U.S.
- External Articles – October-November, 2012
- US/Canada Border Conference events push "Beyond the Border" declaration – continuing to build North American Union
- Informative Red Ice interview on RFID spy chip tracking, how people are conditioned to accept it gradually
- Red Ice interview: Rosa Koire – Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 – world inventory, surveillance and total control
- TSA refuses to obey judges (who ignored major constitutional concerns) – White House pulls the petition – assault continues on privacy and health
- Surveillance satellites launched
- U.S. military using persona management software for Internet forums
- CSIS pushes Internet spy Bill C-30 even though it's on hold due to massive opposition
- Building a single view of the citizen – to "facilitate compliance"
- Explaining pro-tyranny propaganda in the Batman trilogy
- NSA whistle-blowers giving evidence in lawsuit against illegal mass surveilance of electronic communications
- Time to rebel against loyalty cards, UK government behavior modification unit wants to use data to interfere in your life
- Google privacy invasion from iPhone browsers to Wi-Fi data
- New Zealand mental health screening for preschoolers
- Stop going along with cloud computing, the opposite of security and the betrayal of your personal data
- Michael Shaw: we must defeat local implementation of Agenda 21
- UK Internet and email surveillance to include secret courts
- European passenger records will be handed over to U.S. Homeland Security
- Inventor of Internet opposes UK government surveillance bill
- UK government Internet spying
- Canadian cyber monitoring legislation destroys privacy
- News and links October 30
- Ernest Hemingway was hounded to his death by the government
- Mexican Newspaper Uncovers Systemic Monitoring Plans of Public Online Sources
- Say no to the online spying laws
- Dear Canadian Members of Parliament, “journalists” and other goons
- News & Info – April 2011 – B (To Organize)
- News & Info – April 2011 – A (To Organize)
- Surveillance
- Spies
- Soft Power
- Smart Meters-Smart Grid
- Privacy
- Pre-Crime
- Internet
- Intellectual Property
- Garbage
- Radio Frequency & 5G
- Data Collection
- Cashless
- Big Brother
- Former CIA officer condemns Patriot Act and desecration of the constitution
- CEO of Google – policy is to get right up to the creepy line
- Child police, skeleton biometrics, iris scanners, web tracking, Age of Treason by Clymer exposes toxins
- Edible microchip pill monitors your compliance
- Instead of freedom, cashless society vending machines
- Smart meters and smart grid means data collection, privacy invasion and ultimate control
- Australian smart meters to “help” families by choking off their power
- Zero privacy while flying, constant personal surveillance
- Definition of “serious offence” expanded, threatens marijuana users and others
- Canadian government plans to correct online “misinformation”
- The Smart Grid future – plenty of control
- Mandatory vs. voluntary – Canadian census controversy
- Internet “kill switch” for shutting down Internet
- Austerity, globalism, surveillance
- Government takeover of Internet: U.S. government proposal for online ID
- Body scanners violate individual rights
- Your newborn’s DNA is collected by its masters (February 14, 2010)
- Masonichip and the “Mark of the Beast”
- CIC website article on Smart Grid as a “solution” (February 8, 2010)
- Sunstein’s advice about infiltrating “conspiracy theorists” (January 16, 2010)
- (Police State Canada: The Emergence into Fascism) Frank McKenna interviewed about Bilderberg
- International Government – “Tax Cooperation”
- North American Leaders Summit
- Aaron Russo Interview
- U.S. Government Infiltration of Antiwar Movement Continues
- Understanding Agenda 21 (1)
- Big Brother monitoring families, privacy & gadgets, euthanasia, swine flu (July 29, 2009)
- Torture, Militarization of Scouts, Fighting the Smoking Laws, Surveillance via Driver’s Licenses, Hyperregulation (May 18, 2009)
- Challenge the Smoke Alarm Inspectors, B.C. Government Attacks Free Speech, Newt Gingrich’s Real Agenda (May 5, 2009)
- G20, Gaza, Sudan, Cyberspies (April 2, 2009)
- Schiff, Defiance, Gaza, Galloway (March 24, 2009)
- Canadian Liberty Big Picture – Tracking Tyranny (January 2, 2009)
- Big Brother (August 27, 2008)
- U.S. Government Plans to Control the Internet (August 10, 2008)
- You will now be required to submit blood and urine samples (July 16, 2008)
- More about FINTRAC, Government Surveillance of Every Canadian’s Life (June 28, 2008)
- Financial Surveillance of Every Canadian Escalates (June 27, 2008)
- Booster seats now mandatory in New Brunswick (May 3, 2008)
- Privacy Violations at Border (May 3, 2008)
- U.S. Homeland Security Training Firefighters to Spy (November 26, 2007)
- Warrantless Search of ISP’s (October 20, 2007)
- 2007 Policy Suggestions for Libertarian Party of Canada (January 24, March 8, March 29, 2007)
- Anti-terror plan targets Internet (October 28, 2006)
- Americans Reject Phone, E-Mail Surveillance (September 12, 2006)
- Internet Surveillance and Hypocrisy (Feb. 2, 2006)
- Serenity: Introductory Speech, All-Candidates Debate (post: Jan 21, 2006)
- Crime, Restitution, Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties (post Jan 21, 2006)
- Rogers TV spot: Liberty, Kyoto, Prohibition, Crime, Hand Guns, Free Speech, War and Torture and Everything Else (January 21, 2006)
- November 14 Debate Closing Statement (November 20, 2005)
- Canadian government seeking greater wiretap access (October 10, 2005)
- Libertarian Club – East Toronto (September 4, 2005)
- 7/7 Bombings and Terrorism (July 10, 2005)
- Ashcroft and 9/11 (July 10, 2005)
- Police State Trends: Real ID Act (April 24, 2005)
- Police State Trends: National ID in U.S. (February 19, 2005)
- Gun Laws and ID Papers: Canadian Culture of Obedience (February 19, 2005)
- More Totalitarian Change – Regulating Telephone Use – Do-Not-Call without Government Permission (December 19, 2004)
- Nova Scotia: U.S. Patriot Act and Private Information of Canadians (November 20, 2004)
- B.C. Privacy Commissioner: U.S. Patriot Act and Private Information (November 7, 2004)
- Governments Think They Own Us – National ID Card & Commons Committee – Ontario Considers Fingerprints & Iris Scans on Drivers’ Licenses (June 12, 2004 )
- Liberty, war & politics – Iraq, 9/11, WTO, Austrian economics
- Liberty, war, politics, religion, surveillance, freedom to read, foreign policy of many Christians
- Liberty, War & Politics – surveillance, Iraq War, Tonkin Gulf
- Liberty & War – Iraq casualties, Somalia, nationalities, right to secession
Scotland and Re-engineering Children for The Planned Society
“New camera promises to capture your whole life” by Kurt Kleiner ( – Oct. 16, 2009.
“Hats banned from Yorkshire pubs over CCTV fears” by Paul Stokes ( – June 23, 2008.
Behaviour Detection Officers at Airports a 200 Million Dollar Flop
Nurseries Monitor for Signs of “Radical” Islamist Indoctrination
“San Fran wireless plans getting spooky”
Onstar Promotes New “Services” (
“Children tracked by sat nav to stop bad behaviour” ( – April 23, 2009.
Public Health: “Infodemiology: Public health at the “granular” level” [Intimate Medical Details freely Given for Govt. and W.H.O. to Monitor] by Mark Baard ( – Sept. 4, 2009. (
Health & Safety, Family, Homes: “Health and safety snoops to enter family homes” [Power to Enter all Family Homes] by Robert Watts ( – Nov. 15, 2009.
Jobless-Drug Tests for Benefits
Drugs: National Health Service to Launch Hi-tech Pills that Text When You Need next Dose
New Roadside Cameras Scan for Tax, Insurance, Seat Belt Use and More
Phones, Texts etc. Scanned for anti-Gov Resentment
Electronic Sniffer Tested at Airports
“New law to give police access to online exchanges”
“CCTV cameras ‘listen for trouble’ “
Police Mount Cameras on Headgear
Automobiles: Police State UK-Testing Ground for World
Surveillance, Automobiles: Black Box for Cars–Permanently Connected to Internet–Will Inform Police of Driving Habits–Location at All Times.–Look for Instant Fines etc..
Australia–Police Tracking Commuters using Go-Cards
Google Admits to Taking Passwords and Private Mail During Streetview Mission
Schools, Tracking: Tracking by Swipe Cards on Lamppost Terminals –More
Surveillance, Energy: Google Interface For Monitoring Energy Consumption in Homes (;jsessionid=FARFDTTXKQCQLQE1GHPCKH4ATMY32JVN?articleID=224200386)
New Technology, Facial Recognition and Mobile Phones
Garbage: “Tagging technology to track trash” by Jonathan Fildes ( – July 14, 2009.
Water, Food, Tracking: “Food products should carry ‘water footprint’ information, says report” by Rebecca Smithers ( – July 20, 2009.
Tracking-The Great Privacy Non-Debate
Facebook Goes Further with Tracking Programme
Iris Scans to Make Mexican Cities “Safe”
“New ID Card Serves Students, Rec Centers, Libraries in D.C.”
Canada and its “Policy” of Surveillance
Food, Surveillance: Smartfood Tracking–IBM
Napolitano and Walmart—Everyone to Become a Spy
Biometrics: Racing to Install Phone Fingerprinting Technology
Surveillance: Internet Connectivity of Things IBM
Surveillance: Internet of Things
Surveillance, Data Collection: Britain’s New Overlords Reverse Campaign Propaganda on Easing Up on Police State—-More Data Collection Instead
Surveillance, Privacy: Government–Giving Themselves More Rights to Invade Privacy
Surveillance, Taxation, Government Control of Pay Cheques: Her Majesty’s Tax Department Could Take Control of Every Worker’s Pay-cheque
Police State: EU Powers for EU Police to Come into Britain and be The Boss
The Creators of “Listening Lamp-posts” Bring you More Intrusive Gadgetry
Surveillance, Automobiles: Black Box for Cars–Permanently Connected to Internet–Will Inform Police of Driving Habits–Location at All Times.–Look for Instant Fines etc..
Civil Liberties, Surveillance: Civil Liberties traded Off for “Security”–Napolitano
PDF A report on the Surveillance Society full report
The Surveillance Studies Network (Authors of Above Report for UK Information Commissioner)
PDF Conspiracy Theorizing Surveillance
People Control using Sensory Tags (
Wearable Sensors Watch Workers (
Automobiles: Police State UK-Testing Ground for World
Electronic Surveillance: Sniffing for Chemicals: Appropriately Named “CellPhones” May be Even More Dangerous to Your Health
Surveillance of Everything, Planetary Skin: Planetary “Skin” System collects all Data for Bigwigs
Wired-Communication Service Providers and Cost of Surveillance
Wristband Electronic ID (
Surveillance: Smart Meters
Surveillance: EU Parliament has Big Plans to Snoop on All Citizenry
Health Care Tyranny, Surveillance: Electronic Alerts from Big Pharma to Pharmacies-Warning them of Patients Not Following Medicine Protocols (
Surveillance: “Police can snoop on every email and eavesdrop on Internet phone calls under new plan” ( – April 25, 2009.
“Fighting Nineteen Eighty-Four” Henry Porter’s blog ( – June 8, 2009.
Surveillance, Spying: “Aircraft may spot energy wasters” The Press ( – April 7, 2009.
“D.C. Forging Surveillance Network”
Drones: Hummingbird Spy Drones to be Used in US “Once Laws are Relaxed”
Education, Political Correctness: Welcome to the Pavlovian Soviet–Three-Year-Olds labelled Bigots by Spying Teachers
New High-Flying High-Spying Toy Flies for 5 Years in Stratosphere, Courtesy Taxpayer
Everyone Can Use Blackberry Data to Spy Except Arabians
How You Help the Totalitarian Society Keep Tabs On You
NSA Contracts Cousin Raytheon for BIG BROTHER system (
Virtual Fingerprinting from Your Computer
Drones: Drones Over Britain to Eavesdrop on Everyone
Spies, Privacy: Spy Side of Social Networking
Police State: New European Intelligence Agency, Europol, with Powers to Spy on Everyone
Spying: Bronx School Administrator Boasts about remotely Accessing Students’ Computers and Watching Them
Spying: Philadelphian students Spied on by Remote Access by Teachers
Spying: How laptops are accessed
Schools: Schools Spying on Pupils at Home using Secret Laptop Remote Activation
Military Spy Drones to be Deployed on Motorists-UK
spy drones (
“Spying morally right, says thinktank” ( – Oct. 16, 2009.
“Obama Backs Extending Patriot Act Spy Provisions” by David Kravets ( – Sept. 15, 2009.
“Lancaster, Pa., keeps a close eye on itself” by Bob Drogin ( – June 21, 2009.
Youth Corps, Civilian Service: “Town halls hire citizen snoopers as young as SEVEN to spy on neighbours and report wrongs” by Lucy Ballinger ( – May 18, 2009.
“Canada’s Spy Agency from the Inside” Maclean’s Magazine (
Schools, Family: “Big Brother CCTV to spy on pupils aged four – complete with CPS evidence kit” by Jason Lewis ( – Dec. 29, 2008.
Child Spies, Green Police: “Schoolchildren recruited by councils to spy on neighbours who commit ‘environmental crimes’ “
Police State, Green Spies: “‘Environmental volunteers’ will be encouraged to spy on their neighbours” by Lucy Cockcroft ( – Sept. 2, 2008.
“Domestic Spying, Inc.” (
Canadians lining up to join spy agency (
Garbage Census Takers-Profiling Ethnic Groups
Spies, Privacy: Spy Side of Social Networking
Schools and Facial Recognition
CEO of Google and “The Creepy Line”
Private Snoopers Paid to Snoop using CCTV Monitors at Home
Family, Homes: “Health and safety snoops to enter family homes” [Power to Enter all Family Homes] by Robert Watts ( – Nov. 15, 2009.
“Britain leads world in police state survey” by John Ozimek ( – June 1, 2009.
Britain–Drones Used in Manhunt–for Car Thief
“U.S. launches unmanned aerial drones to monitor Manitoba border” CBC News ( – Feb. 16, 2009.
All-Seeing Eye to Watch over Utah
Schools, Tracking: Tracking by Swipe Cards on Lamppost Terminals –More
National Health Service to Launch Hi-tech Pills that Text When You Need next Dose