COVID-19 – Mark Devlin interview – also my comments about polarization, fear, false sense of inevitability, intimidation tactics, vaccines and totalitarian measures (edited)
Edited 2.0, April 19, 2021
I recently guested live on the Lighting The Void show on Fringe FM out of the US, with host Joe Rupe and Ryan Gable. As well as addessing aspects of the ‘coronavirus’ saga and the role of Lifetime Actor celebrities, I also got about as spiritually and metaphysically deep as I ever have on any of my interviews.
Mark Devlin Radio Interviews:
Good Vibrations:
My Thoughts
I have been listening to this interview and have found it to be helpful so far. I would like to share my thoughts on subjects related to the first half hour:
1) I will not take a mandated vaccine. I completely agree with that. I think it helps for us to make up our minds now about what we stand for and to speak against totalitarian measures. We do not have to go along. We don’t need to guess about things either. He mentions some very good arguments/strategies we can use [three points]. This is about informed consent. This is a matter of principle. It is necessary to be concerned about the potential consequences of taking these types of vaccines especially considering the involvement of the Gates Foundation in their promotion. And the same concerns we also have with existing vaccines still apply.
And we need to be concerned about where these things may be leading–to efforts to mandate a type of vaccine-based passport–this is totalitarian. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy at all. If we are forced into something individually, it’s not about judging each other. It’s a personal decision how we deal with the pressure. But it is a matter of principle to resist mandatory vaccines–it is a violation of human rights and freedoms, and informed consent. Condoning it, going along with it quietly has consequences for others. For many years, many people have gone along with vaccines–especially with their children in schools, but this doesn’t mean that they have to keep allowing this. Most people are very poorly informed because of the misleading government, education and corporate systems in place. This is a system of propaganda we live in–a system of half-baked information and assuming good intentions. If people just asked for more information (even the full government-mandated product document) about the ingredients, side effects and evidence for safety and effectiveness, they immediately open a huge, bottomless can of worms–and that’s one way of dealing with the issue when confronted with a vaccine.
Some check the ingredients labels on the food but are they just going to take a vaccine based on blind faith about good intentions? That is just brainwashing. Everyone should learn about the decades of human experimentation that has gone on–with radiation, LSD (MKUltra), syphilis, etc. Read my post on the outrageous record of the Gates Foundation with the damage caused with its experimental vaccines. It’s important to realize that there could be consequences to taking any vaccine that go beyond what is acknowledged about the ingredients–but even what we know is enough reason for concern. And just because something is presented to you as a “vaccine,” why assume that it does what they say? Why don’t you get an explicit promise, documentation, evidence, and a full explanation at least before you go along with it and also before you bully others to go along with it? Why do you assume that the ingredients are morally acceptable to you and others? It’s absurd to think that we can make all sorts of choices in life but somehow we’re not supposed to make choices about “vaccine” products. People have to get their minds around what system they are living in, what they were born into, what many in power have always done to many people. The world we live in has been traumatizing generation after generation of victimized people.
2) The polarization within alternative media is very clear. It started early with this event. It is probably caused deliberately–the answer does not have to be one extreme or the other. 5G is likely to have affected some people, and possibly it is a factor in some of the cases that have been reported, but I don’t know. Let’s just see what information and evidence there is case by case for how people are getting sick and not get polarized–divided over questions like that. I believe 5G (a surveillance system) is one of the agendas in back of this COVID-19 set of policies that have been implemented. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a virus making vulnerable people sick. There does seem to be a particular virus that seems to have been engineered. Just because a virus has been engineered, that doesn’t at all mean that it works effectively to make large numbers of people sick on its own. Jon Rappoport makes good arguments about this (, but others have focused on different points of view and arguments. An engineered virus could have been a failure in that sense, but maybe it just being used as an identifier somehow. What is most important that we share in common is our belief in rights and freedoms–in our sense of values, in our humanity. Also, no particular event has to be completely “fake” or completely “real.” There can be a combination of these two things. This is a long-time problem with events in alternative media. People need to get smarter about manipulation techniques of divide and conquer. You can’t rely on individuals to do your own thinking for you. They can be misled or they can be deliberately trying to cause confusion. Some of their information may be good and some of it may be bad. People do not have to pick between one extreme and other. Both A and B can be factors. It doesn’t have to be only A or only B. These are fallacies in thinking. False dialectics is part of the constant manipulation.
The political divide is really unhelpful and blocks communication–I believe that was intentionally engineered over the last few years and it has been done before. So, if Trump says he approves of idea A, then Trump supporters associate A with good things and anti-Trump people associate A with bad things. That polarization is really effective in dividing people and stopping communication. Something that I feel strongly about is avoiding this spin on things that is promoting war with China. I don’t see any reason to forget all the evidence that for a long time, China has been guided along-despite of and because of its totalitarianism–by Western governments and top globalists living in America–with David Rockefeller, for example, writing a famous obituary in praise of Mao. The globalists might want a war between China and the West, but it will not do us any good at all! In any case, I believe that both 5G and the response to this virus are connected in at least this sense–that they both relate to the “smart city” projects of a technocratic biological surveillance state. That’s what we are seeing clear evidence of–both in current news and in past announcements and documents leading up to this event. And that’s not to say there aren’t additional concerns about 5G. It’s just that the picture we’re facing is so huge, that we need to be patient with each other and communicate as clearly as we can. Let’s not judge others just because they don’t know the whole picture. Take a deep breath and figure out what you really know and then share the evidence with others after verifying it and thinking for yourself.
3) Fear. I recognize that we are facing a grim situation–in terms of disease possibly–and economically–and with RF/5G radiation also–and this situation could just be all that and worse in terms of the dangers we are facing. Just the fact that we are lied to and manipulated to such a degree is ominous. And also the fact that we are having to face constant threats to mandate vaccines using a type of vaccine passport and universal ID system that could be used in combination with an embedded tattoo of some kind with a record of vaccinations. Theses totalitarian measures are being “offered” to the world as we are confined to our homes. It’s an incredible situation. And some of us know that such a system or something like it has been planned for a long time. But the sense of inevitability–of inevitable doom–is where we can go wrong in alternative media. This is where we are making a mistake in many ways. When people have particular religious beliefs about the end of the world, that’s not something that can easily be addressed. I would try to say to those people that they don’t know it’s the “end of the world” (and I don’t personally believe it is a real concept). It’s an assumption, and it’s also a distortion of doctrine that is used often to manipulate people into supporting aggressive policies in the Middle East. But I wouldn’t split with a friend who was set on those beliefs, and I wouldn’t try to talk them out of their religious beliefs. I would still try to reason with them and encourage them in the context of their beliefs while sticking with my own. In general, though, the point is that it’s true that these globalists have had these totalitarian plans for a long time (including depopulation) and have been working towards them systematically–9/11 being an example of this, and there have been many different stages in the development of this system over the years. But that doesn’t mean it is set in stone. That doesn’t mean they will succeed. That’s just their insane plan. People don’t always catch how crazy their plan is–how absurd it is–to think of a world of constant and total surveillance where people are all modified and tracked. Crazy is scary, but crazy also means that it can’t succeed. It goes against nature. To believe their psychological intimidation and associating them with something inevitable is to give in to part of their strategy. They also seem to enjoy being associated with occult and satanic imagery–as in the case of many of the celebrities and their occult messages in award shows and sports events. I think this is used for intimidation.
However, it is really up to people to decide whether this all goes ahead or not. It is up to all of us to say yes or no–to resist what is happening. To think that there aren’t many people very concerned about this is to make a mistake. The media is lying to us completely at this point–more than it ever has before–but I can tell–it’s possible at least–that there are millions of people around the world–possibly hundreds of millions–and thousands around you locally–who do not believe any of this–but you would never know that from the media. They distort the picture. When we go outside even, we don’t know what all those people are thinking around us. Frankly, the message of apocalypse and the fear of the end of the world is part of their strategy–this message is pervasive in their entertainment system.
This agenda is just planned very carefully. It doesn’t mean that it succeeds. That is a belief they have induced in many. So let’s not give in to fear and the sense of inevitability. They keep making announcements. They have done a lot of work to condition us to accept things that should not be accepted.
But they are going too far now. A lot of what is happening is not acceptable to most people–when they realize, when it’s clear to them that they have been lied to, that there has been some kind of orchestrated campaign-by people who are sworn to an agenda that subverts truth and decency. Let’s just do our best to help to communicate with others and encourage them to believe in themselves and the ideals we should all be sharing and standing up for. When those basic rights and freedoms that have been paid lip service to all our lives–are under attack, and when the economy is being destroyed, we are right to be concerned about everyone’s future and well-being. We are highly motivated to expose what is happening to as many people as possible-worldwide–and together we can work towards undermining their plans.