Results of Canadian Federal Election (updated Sep 26 – final counts)
September 26, 2021 update:
This preliminary results page now links to the validated results (original link: so these are supposedly the final results.
From here, you can search for your own electoral district results. Use the search options at the top.
Note that this page shows that some districts did not complete 100% of special ballots counting. I don’t know if that’s of much significance. I also noticed that the preliminary results page shows “Polls Reporting: 72,360 of 72,375 (99.98 %)” so maybe that’s the same issue. [On September 22, 2021: 11:00pm EST, Polls Reporting was: 72,231 of 72,375 (99.8 %).]
This page explains that Polls Reporting means “The number of polling stations that have closed and have reported preliminary results.”
This page explains more and has a chart showing what stage the counting of special ballots is at for each district:
If an electoral district is showing 100% of polls reporting, this DOES NOT mean that all results are in for that electoral district. It only means that the electoral district has reported SOME results for ALL of its polls.
For this election, the counting of local special ballots, which takes place at the returning office in each electoral district, will begin after returning officers have completed the required verifications. This will start the day after the election and could take up to 24 hours. It may therefore take several days for all ballots to be counted. You can check here to see in which electoral districts the counting of ballots has finished. You can also check to see what percentage of special ballots have been counted in each electoral district. Results will be updated several times a day. . . .
Not so many had completed counting the special ballots on September 24.
These are the counts for the top 10 parties (by votes) on September 22:
[Conservative 5,623,726 33.8 %
Liberal 5,413,367 32.5 %
NDP-New Democratic Party 2,958,218 17.8 %
Bloc Québécois 1,285,911 7.7 %
People’s Party – PPC 833,345 5.0 %
Green Party 386,905 2.3 %
Free Party Canada 45,524 0.3 % [I think I had 47,524 by mistake]
Maverick Party 34,615 0.2 %
Independent 25,947 0.2 %
Christian Heritage Party 8,902 0.0 %]
Below are the final validated results (original link:, noted as of September 26:
Conservative 5,746,221 33.70 % 119 districts
Liberal 5,560,348 32.60 % 159 districts
NDP-New Democratic Party 3,037,965 17.80 % 25 districts
Bloc Québécois 1,301,687 7.60 % 33 districts
People’s Party – PPC 843,202 4.90 %
Green Party 398,021 2.30 % 2 districts
Free Party Canada 47,469 0.30 %
Maverick Party 35,246 0.20 %
Independent 25,701 0.20 % (apparently dropped if I was correct above)
Christian Heritage Party 8,995 0.10 %
Each district is contested by individual candidates for a simple majority. Despite having more votes, the Conservatives won only 119 seats (districts) as compared to the Liberals winning 159. The Liberals form a minority government because, combined, the Conservatives and other parties hold more seats than the Liberals.
(I may be wrong but it’s likely that the Governor General, the Queen’s representative, has to formally approve this Liberal government. We’re not told much about things like that, and maybe it’s not necessary if the same party is back in office).
What I’m concerned about is how many people voted for freedom of choice when it comes to “vaccine passports” and injections, assuming the vote counts are accurate. Only several smaller parties indicated support for fundamental rights and freedoms from what I can see. I noted the VCP in my last post. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the Christian Heritage Party’s national platform isn’t as clear about COVID measures as what I indicated in a previous post. I was commenting based on the literature of a local CHP candidate.
I think the Free Party’s statements about COVID and the pandemic are great, so I would want to add together the vote of the PPC and Free Party (Parti Libre) (843,202 + 47,469)
I am impressed that the PPC has 4.9% of the vote and has twice as many votes as the Green Party.
The Conservative Party platform seems to be very clear in promoting the same agenda as the Liberal government–it’s an agenda of tracking and tracing and vaccinating.
I am sure that many Conservative voters didn’t read the platform and focused on voting against the Liberals. I suspect that many of them believe the current narrative and many don’t. I think that, in the same way, others voted based on party loyalties and many still assume that public COVID measures are legitimate.
Corruption is so high in the last couple of years–and there is so much harm being done–and so many violations of the Charter that I can’t be sure about the information we are seeing at all. We have to be realistic about how accurate all of this is. From what I can see, a lot of damage has been done to people by propaganda since early 2020. If this data is accurate, the picture it paints could be discouraging, but I am trying to look at it positively.
I see that 843,202 and another 47,469–at least–and hopefully, in intention, millions of the Conservatives and others–voted against the lockdowns, vaccine passports and other rights violations.