New World Order
New World Order, Merger of American and Soviet Systems
Also see: World Government, Green Agenda, Planners
Related category: Agenda 21
- Journal – July 24, 2022
- Journal – July 19, 2022
- Strategy for this weekend before Monday’s vote – EDUCATE ALL candidates in your electoral district – Part 1
- Archbishop Viganò’s Open Letter to Donald Trump
- Henry Kissinger’s endorsement of the new coronavirus world order
- U.S. attack on top Iranian general – observations and the need for values-based societies – Part 3
- BNW Resistance #2 – the features of Brave New World
- Quotations – 1
- Power & Reality Journal – Issue 4
- About “Foundations: Their Power and Influence” by Rene A. Wormser (update: May 23, 2015)
- Next step of Agenda 21: Future Earth
- New World Order Speeches of President George H. W. Bush
- Overview of the Power Structure – Part II
- Alberta flood evacuations predictably turn into martial law exercises–residents angry as RCMP seize guns from homes — “not allowed” to return to “their” homes – “authorities” still deciding
- Belfast: US President undermines Catholic schools after Vatican Prefect praised them
- Via Rail train plot and Boston bombing combined to pass S-7, the Combating Terrorism Act. What would Diefenbaker think? Does his Bill of Rights contradict S-7?
- Margaret Thatcher’s New World Order speech in Toronto
- Exposing the delusions of the “conservative” movement and the false left-right paradigm, a reality-based assessment of Margaret Thatcher
- When we look the other way as disgusting corruption and brutality imposed on the world in the name of “freedom”: British testimony about secret U.S. torture base in Baghdad
- Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 on June 28, 2001 – stories of coming attacks by bogeyman Osama bin Laden – in order to destroy freedoms, bring in socialist totalitarian world government
- Amazing history lesson on elites & education: Trivium Method vs. Classical Trivium
- Western elite communists like Harry Dexter White created the post-war financial system
- New World Order speeches by George H. W. Bush
- Creeping New World Order we’re supposed to get used to – “rare” exercise in authoritarianism as Massachusetts bans driving due to snowstorm excuse – opportunity for obedience training
- Trans-Pacific Partnership
- US National Security Adviser: “I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger” (from 2009)
- 1992 speech by Jacques Delors to Royal Institute of International Affairs on Europe, NWO, world government
- Gnostic Media interview with Ian Taylor, author of “In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order”
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, Part 14 – controlled society, technology, planning v. freedom
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, Part 11 – Sutton, Sakharov, convergence, merging two systems
- Canadian Mark Carney appointed governor of the Bank of England
- Zbigniew Brzezinski “Between Two Ages” Part 8
- Ontario Medical Association wants government to invade your grocery shopping – do they represent Ontario doctors or are they part of New World Order policy making?
- Is this supposed to happen in Canada? Pakistani politician interrogated at Toronto airport for his views on killer drone attacks
- Important info on 9/11 details and big picture – Red Ice interviews Richard Grove
- Ontario government pushes back against abortion dissent – Brave New World policies full steam ahead
- Agenda 21
- Red Ice interview: Rosa Koire – Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 – world inventory, surveillance and total control
- Photos of some Bilderberg 2012 attendees
- Bilderberg 2012 in Chantilly, Virginia
- H. G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy
- H. G. Wells, Imperialism and the Open Conspiracy
- The Nation's Deathbed
- Trivium Study Part 1
- KGB agent Bezmenov interview on the subversion process
- Charlotte Iserbyt – The Secret History of Western Education
- World Government
- New World Order
- Marxism/Communism
- Communitarianism
- Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
- Fall of the Republic (Kill your TV)
- Bank of Canada: New World Order Speech from June 2009
- Understanding Agenda 21 (1)
- Fighting the New World Order: Information Revolution 2009
- Soviet and American systems were to be merged – where we are today! (April 17, 2009)
- New World Order, “Security”, and Corruption (April 5, 2009)
New World Order, Kissinger, World Government: “The World in 2009 – United States – ‘An end of hubris’ ” Henry Kissinger ( – Nov. 19, 2008. – “America will be less powerful, but still the essential nation in creating a new world order, argues Henry Kissinger, a former secretary of state and founder of Kissinger Associates”
Foundations, Merger of American and Soviet systems, Messing with history also:AUDIO: “Edward Griffin Interviews Norman Dodd, 1982” (at Internet Archive []).
Planners, Power, Marxism, Imperialism, Climate Change, Reality behind Politics: “Gingrich, Toffler, and Gore: A peculiar trio” by Steve Farrell ( – July 9, 2001.
New World Order, World Government, Planners, Marxism, Third Way: “It’s time for a second American revolution in the spirit of perestroika” by Mikhail Gorbachev – “Our perestroika signalled the need for change in the Soviet Union, but it was not meant to suggest a capitulation to the US model. Today, the need for a more far-reaching perestroika – one for America and the world – has become clearer than ever.”
New World Order, Climate Change Propaganda, World Government: “Lord Mayor’s Banquet Speech – 12 November 2007” Speech by Gordon Brown. – “I want a G8 for the 21st century, a UN for the 21st century, and an IMF and World Bank fit for the 21st century.
And to achieve this I want to play my part in helping the European Union move away from its past preoccupation with inward looking institutional reform and I will work with others to propose a comprehensive agenda for a Global Europe – a Europe that is outward looking, open, internationalist, able to effectively respond both through internal reform and external action to the economic, security and environmental imperatives of globalisation. ”
Russia Co-Founder of New World Economic Order —–Reece Commission Found that Out In 1950’s (
Reece Committee-Found Social Sciences to be Used on Upcoming Populations to Create New World System
“Welcome to Gordon Brown’s New World Order” [PDF File] UK Column – May 2009.
“U.S. to push for new economic world order at G20” by Alister Bull ( – Sept. 21, 2009.
Global Council for Media Transformation – Mission (, Charter (, 5 Year Plan ( Just to select one paragraph out of this incredible authoritarian agenda to control the media totally and not allow any more local and national perspectives, because of all the crises they present to us:
“To succeed in its core mission – serving humanity – media must update its voice and perspective, reinforcing the reality of human interdependence. The media must fulfill its responsibility [to] humanity [“HUMANITY” IS CODE FOR ONE WORLD EMPIRE, ONE SYSTEM OF CONTROL] – one, global community [code for ONE WORLD ORDER] – by fostering our capacity to successfully recognize, understand and manage our very real global challenges. The Global Council for Media Transformation will initiate the first step. We must transform the media.”
William J. Clinton Foundation (
“Clinton Global Initiative” ( – About Clinton’s Global Initiative ( Very similar to Ted Turner’s UN Foundation. For example: “More than 16 million women and girls have had access to empowerment initiatives.” Not from their families or nations, but from the New World Order global manipulators. That’s the point. Their definition of “empowerment” does not include families and local traditions. Because those institutions tend to prevent their “global initiative” from taking over everything. Another example: incredible climate change nonsense: “More than 400 million metric tons of CO2 emissions have been cut or abated.” As if CO2 (carbon dioxide) is actually harming us. It’s a clean natural gas that we breath out, that’s required for plant life, and it’s a clean product of normal combustion (i.e. heating our homes). It’s a political global control and tax agenda.