- Information – January 26, 2023 – Simpsons predictive programming, land title issues in Ontario, justice for the vaccinated, critical goals for everyone
- January 12, 2023 – links, information and ideas (updated) – Anecdotals documentary on CV injections injuries, Smart Cities, Transhumanism, C. S. Lewis
- November 15, 2022 – Died Suddenly documentary and other topics
- May 15, 2022 – trucker documentary, book by RFK on Anthony Fauci, podcast interviews on Elvis, James Forrestal
- Plandemic: Indoctornation
- Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer talked of tracking bracelets in 2010 documentary
- Article about documentary “Planet of the Humans” – the sensitivity over the film might indicate a weak point in the elite’s agenda – reliance on high tech (rare earths) resource mining
- Thoughts on “Joker” (2.0)
- More and more people can see that the mainstream Manson murder story is a cover-up
- Thoughts on Avengers: Infinity War
- Quotations – 1
- Power & Reality Journal – Issue 4
- Power & Reality Journal – Issue 3
- Movie: Thoughts on “Ghost in the Shell”
- Gnostic Media interview on the chemical manipulation of humanity
- Media Doorway
- Commentary on Brave New World by Aldous Huxley – Part 2
- Overview of the Power Structure – Part I
- The Soviet Story
- Why in the world are they spraying?
- What in the world are they spraying?
- Gender confusion training camp for boys–to help build even further a non-functional Brave New World society of compliant slaves with no families (comparing Elysium and THX 1138)
- Alex Jones interviews James Lane and Richard Grove about “State of Mind: The Psychology of Control”
- Documentary: the Crazy Rulers of the World
- Red Ice interviews Julia & BJ Davis – Top Priority: The Terror Within
- Films
- Red Ice interview with Scott Bartle, maker of “What the FUQ?” about “Australian government” – are we living in a global corporate slave system?
- The Net: the planning and building of a scientifically controlled world order
- Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles
- New World Order speeches by George H. W. Bush
- The Children of Table 34 – Alfred Kinsey’s pedophile-based research
- The Kinsey Coverup
- “The Kinsey Syndrome” on his use of pedophiles, sexual revolution based on fraud, pornography’s connection with sex crimes
- Documentary “Originators of Early Sexualization” exposes Kinsey and modern sex education
- Bradlee Dean on Kinsey’s sex research and pedophilia
- Clash of values: Jimmy Stewart explains the problem in Shenandoah
- “Zombie apocalypse” military exercises, actual media discussion and another stupid zombie movie
- 12-yr-old says governments shouldn’t borrow money from private banks who put us into debt slavery with compound interest and print money out of thin air
- Gnostic Media: interview with Michael J. Murphy on geoengineering
- The Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson – the truth about government finances, CAFRs (3)
- The Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson (2) – the truth about government finances, CAFRs
- The Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson (1) – the truth about government finances, CAFRs
- Meeting on 9/11 research and film premiere at University of Toronto, Sept. 11
- Explaining pro-tyranny propaganda in the Batman trilogy
- Michael Shaw: we must defeat local implementation of Agenda 21
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Videos
- The Nation's Deathbed
- Key information: Antony C. Sutton interview on Wall Street support for totalitarian regimes
- Alex Jones Infowars Moneybomb
- Interview with Kevin Annett on Canada’s Genocide
- Lethal Injection documentary and interview with Clint Richardson – crucial information about vaccines
- Shocking interview on genetically modified foods and “Scientists under Attack”
- Loose Change Final Cut (1) – about 9/11
- Shop (U.S.)
- Shop (Canada)
- Books and Videos
- Documentary on monetary system: “Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land”
- David Lynch on 9/11
- Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
- Climate change, social engineering, police state, population and more
- Fall of the Republic (Kill your TV)
- The Despicable George Bernard Shaw
- Aaron Russo Interview
- The Obama Deception (March 26, 2009)
- Schiff, Defiance, Gaza, Galloway (March 24, 2009)
- “The Power of Nightmares” – Control by Fear and Fantasy (March 12, 2009)
- Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum – Good and Bad (December 29, 2008)
- Taking Liberties (December 27, 2008)
- Zeitgeist and the Christ Conspiracy
- Freedomain Radio podcasts (October 23, 2008)
- 9/11 Documentary – Loose Change Final Cut (October 22, 2008)
- New 9/11 movie “Fabled Enemies” (October 20, 2008)
- 9/11 Chronicles Premier in Toronto on Friday (September 10, 2008)
- The Great Global Warming Swindle (July 27, 2008)
- I.O.U.S.A. Movie Trailer (July 19, 2008)
- Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada’s Genocide (documentary) (May 3, 2008)
- Libertarian Party Hails Opening of ‘Rendition’ (film) [2007] (October 25, 2007)
- New Items in Store (October 16, 2007)
- Movie on 9/11: Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut (September 9, 2006)
- Serenity: Introductory Speech, All-Candidates Debate (post: Jan 21, 2006)
- MKULTRA: Abusive Mind Control Experiments in Canada (May 22, 2005)
- Growing up in the 60’s, Statist Degradation of the Person, The Corporation (May 1, 2005)
- Movies: Crop Circles – Quest for Truth
- Movies – 28 Days Later
- Movies – Review: The Devil’s Backbone