Corporate Feudalism
Corporate Feudalism, Corporatism, Public-Private Partnership, Corporate Rule, Corporatist Merger with State (Fascism), Corporate Welfare, Corporate Activities. Another form of collectivism.
- TPP Part 4 – The Mind Renewed interviews Paul Craig Roberts on the TPP and Paris attacks
- Who Rules Canada? Privy Council Oath of service and secrecy
- Commentary on Brave New World by Aldous Huxley – Part 10
- Rule by Banks: Bail-in Provision in 2013 Canadian Budget
- Standardized education for a brave new world: Gnostic Media interviews Clint Richardson on CORE and human capital management
- From 2011: Measles among vaccinated Quebec kids
- Alliance of elite organizations urge Ontario government to force human carbon units to pay more for the privilege of living
- Global standardization: Bill and Melinda Gates: controlling population and public education
- Pennsylvania residents oppose Common Core education standards – Gates Foundation
- Top Ontario education official and premier’s appointee charged with making child porn. Also, overview of childhood sexualization efforts in Ontario
- Former Ontario government education adviser , U of T professor facing child porn charges. His UNESCO writings about unity, “common purpose”, “change knowledge”
- “Anglophile network” – Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley
- Canadian Climate Change Adaptation Project: using bogus “climate change” excuse to find new ways to raise our costs, eliminate options
- Red Ice interviews Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg 2013
- UK Column Live June 13 – Bilderberg aftermath, new financial scandal, suicide clusters, bail-ins, NLP, change agents, Belgium pushing “right to commit suicide” for children
- Prince Bernhard’s opening words at first ever Bilderberg meeting, also interview footage with him & David Rockefeller
- School declaws and defangs: 13-year-old Calgary student reprimanded for stopping a knife-wielding bully
- Ontario government wants drug patents taken out of Canada-EU deal as nations are locked in to globalist regime without our input
- System preparing for “bail-in” robbery – European politicians want to protect small depositors as if suddenly it’s okay to rob anyone’s account to bail out banks
- Study: analysis of network of global corporate control – World Bank insider blows whistle on global power grab
- Canada moving ahead on bank contingent capital plan
- Red Ice interviews Patrick Henningsen on Boston bombings & third way control mechanism
- CBC documentary tells us part of the truth about the world being run by central bankers meeting in Basel, Switzerland
- Britain’s behaviour modification (“nudge”) unit
- Anti-Agenda 21 activist Kathy Hamilton interviewed on Canada Live: explains rights-destroying “precautionary principle” & controlled society
- Margaret Thatcher’s New World Order speech in Toronto
- Gnostic Media interview part 2 with Colin A. Ross on psychiatry, mental illness, CIA mind control, psychedelic movement
- Lights go on with this: history connected, research discussion on MKUltra, cybernetics & social control
- Exposing the delusions of the “conservative” movement and the false left-right paradigm, a reality-based assessment of Margaret Thatcher
- Articles on Cyprus bail-out – plunder, corruption, privilege for a few
- Plunder policy – Toronto Star also identifies “bail-in” provision in Canadian federal budget as targeting depositors for Cyprus-style “crisis-induced confiscation”
- The logic of globalism – who needs jobs? Royal Bank of Canada replaces Canadian staff with foreign workers (same everywhere else)
- Important: Can we use this strategy to refuse consent? Interview with Freeman Burt and Clint Richardson on chemtrails, public notices, mortgages
- A farmer’s war against GM crops
- Mass extermination of birds
- Red Ice interview with Scott Bartle, maker of “What the FUQ?” about “Australian government” – are we living in a global corporate slave system?
- Canada’s six largest banks designated “too big to fail”
- The insanity and irresponsibility of impoverishing CO2 reduction policies
- What is ACTA?
- Authoritarianism: Bill Gates thinks the presidency should have more power
- Red Ice interviews Susanne Posel of Occupy Corporatism, her views on strategies and how we respond to the corrupt system
- Banks and drug trade – shocking story about Wachovia (2011)
- HSBC paid fine for money-laundering, big banks are too important to face criminal prosecution (2012)
- US Attorney General claims that the big banks are “so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them”
- Infowars: Agenda 21 stealth takeover exposed
- Peace Revolution episode on the new feudalism of Agenda 21
- Rothschild loses libel case (from 2012) – overlord party in Siberia included Canadian
- Who runs the show? Article documents how U.S. (globalist) foundations don’t just fund Canadian environmentalist groups – they help fund the Canadian government!
- Why is the Canadian Senate under constant attack? Is this why: From 2012: David Suzuki vs. the Senate
- Anti-human indoctrination begins: David Suzuki putting human beings in their place, comparing them to maggots
- Why would David Suzuki be mad at Sun News?
- Green authoritarianism: David Suzuki kicks Sun News out of “Eco Tour” event in Ottawa
- Huge speaking fees for top politicians, way above ordinary people, receiving their reward for serving their masters
- Who runs the world?
- Peace Revolution episode on gun rights and feudalism
- Smarter Cities: energy efficiency/carbon/climate change scams lead to elderly being pushed out of their own homes (through expensive upgrades, fuel costs, property tax)
- Scientific study: the network of global corporate control
- Former World Bank President warns of major shift in wealth from West to East
- James Corbett interviews Morgan Duchesney on the Canadian Council of Chief Executives
- Activists confront Liberal leadership candidate Justin Trudeau on Bank of Canada, Power Corporation, Bilderberg, water fluoridation
- Ontario’s war on coal almost complete – last two coal plants
- American government’s war on coal and electricity supply because they love people so much
- ‘Toxic’ viral gene hiding in GM crops uncovered by European Food Safety Authority – independent scientists actually managed to investigate the sacred “scientific” foods that corporatist governments have pushed on North Americans for years
- Anti-fluoride movement victory over toxic-waste pushers in Windsor Ontario
- Illuminating and very concerning interview on secret Trans-Pacific Partnership – threats to freedom, jobs, sovereignty
- David Attenborough pushes same old elitist anti-human agenda about mankind being a ‘plague’ – what kind of evil will result from this belief?
- Star Trek, Rand Corporation and predictive programming
- US National Security Adviser: “I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger” (from 2009)
- Gnostic Media interview with Ian Taylor, author of “In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order”
- “Eat it!” GM salmon frankenfish approved by US government – “It’s safe!”
- Baywatch star wants the population reduced to two billion and tells everyone to have just one child
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, Part 14 – controlled society, technology, planning v. freedom
- International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) disarming the people
- Privacy-violating palm scanners in schools and hospitals
- IBM and the new smarter feudalism – whatever you say IBM, you and your friends are in charge of everything
- Population propaganda by Canadian establishment (Diane Francis) advocating planetary one child policy
- Tasers (cattle prods for humans) can cause cardiac arrest and death
- Technocracy is smart grid, smart meters, energy certificates, scientific dictatorship, 1936 course
- Zbigniew Brzezinski “Between Two Ages” Part 8
- Zbigniew Brzezinski “Between Two Ages” Part 7
- Potential catastrophes used to justify RFID contracts for tracking human beings
- UNESCO report from 2009 and International Planned Parenthood Federation propaganda from 2011
- Masonic child identification program – no chip (yet) but DNA and biometrics – getting us ready for the real deal?
- Ontario Medical Association wants government to invade your grocery shopping – do they represent Ontario doctors or are they part of New World Order policy making?
- Recording of Edward Bernays discussing the practice of public relations
- Globalist of the Year CFR event in Toronto (Oct. 25) with Mark Carney introducing Christine Lagarde of the IMF
- FIPA and Chairman Harper
- FIPA Delay Nov. 2 – Canada is not for sale – send a message to the PM about the Nexen takeover and the Canada-China investment deal
- Important info on 9/11 details and big picture – Red Ice interviews Richard Grove
- US/Canada Border Conference events push "Beyond the Border" declaration – continuing to build North American Union
- Informative Red Ice interview on RFID spy chip tracking, how people are conditioned to accept it gradually
- The Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson – the truth about government finances, CAFRs (3)
- The Sale of a Country by Shelley Ann Clark (1)
- The Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson (2) – the truth about government finances, CAFRs
- The Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson (1) – the truth about government finances, CAFRs
- Activist's airport confrontation: free speech, cancer/DNA warnings about body scanners, media complicity
- Global power-grabbers: “too many people”, “running out of water”, “running out of food”, “we have to all be vegetarians”, “stern” propaganda lecture in Guardian, site funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Red Ice interview: Rosa Koire – Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 – world inventory, surveillance and total control
- Athletes not allowed to talk about politics, setting the perfect example for all slaves
- Agenda 21 "visioning" meetings – delphi technique exposed
- U.S.-Canada Beyond the Border (BTB) Action Plan – North American integration continues
- Environmentalist explains why IPCC's CO2 theory is false
- Time to rebel against loyalty cards, UK government behavior modification unit wants to use data to interfere in your life
- Google privacy invasion from iPhone browsers to Wi-Fi data
- Tony Blair and Bilderberg 1993
- Alberta Wildrose Alliance leader attacks premier's attendance at Bilderberg
- Bilderberg analysis by the Guardian
- Bilderberg official site and brief history
- Bilderberg 2012 official list of participants
- Photos of some Bilderberg 2012 attendees
- Bilderberg 2012 in Chantilly, Virginia
- The Future We Don’t Want: The Canadian government should renounce UN Agenda 21
- World Wildlife Fund, IPCC, Canadian study of climate change propaganda, corruption, Tanzanians being burned out of their homes
- The privileges of China’s elite
- Michael Shaw: we must defeat local implementation of Agenda 21
- Between Two Ages by Zbigniew Brzezinski – Series Contents
- Paul Ehrlich calls for human population reduction
- H. G. Wells, Imperialism and the Open Conspiracy
- Fascist "Green Deal" in UK means homeowners to be burdened with more debt
- Crazy "green" geothermal experiment with volcano – government says it's OKAY
- Corporate welfare absurdity on unbelievable scale – employee taxes going directly to companies
- Climate change tyrants have their "Carbon War Room"
- Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley
- Australian carbon tax could kill industry
- Key information: Antony C. Sutton interview on Wall Street support for totalitarian regimes
- Canadian "Conservative" government insists on funding International Planned Parenthood
- Charlotte Iserbyt – The Secret History of Western Education
- Real Questions for Candidates – Climate Change-Global Warming
- Western Support Totalitarianism
- Privatization
- Privilege
- Planners
- Pharma
- Secrecy
- Corporate Feudalism
- Communitarianism
- Forget freedom and individual rights – here’s the PLANNED future for you
- Brzezinski at Montreal CFR in April, 2010
- Zbigniew Brzezinski “Between Two Ages”, Part 4
- Australian smart meters to “help” families by choking off their power
- Government and mining company (same thing) confiscate Quebec hero’s home
- The Smart Grid future – plenty of control
- Ontario “eco fees” shock – on top of HST
- Ontario Government and Goldman Sachs
- Bill Gates (2010) – population reduction and zero CO2 (same thing)
- Excerpts from “The Global Economic Crisis”
- Corporate overlords planning your future in Toronto
- Boycott strategy
- Body scanners violate individual rights
- Bank of Canada: New World Order Speech from June 2009
- Understanding Agenda 21 (1)
- Big Brother monitoring families, privacy & gadgets, euthanasia, swine flu (July 29, 2009)
- Libertarian Party of Canada Leader: Stop Corporate Welfare [2008] (August 23, 2008)
- Expropriation (Eminent Domain) (June 7, 2008)
- November 15 (Agincourt Collegiate) Debate Opening Statement (November 20, 2005)
- Corporate Welfare: Ontario Doling Out Money to Lord of the Rings (October 10, 2005)
- 1998 Government vs. Microsoft (June 19, 2005)
- Is it the End of Communist Health Care in Canada? (June 5, 2005)
- Growing up in the 60’s, Statist Degradation of the Person, The Corporation (May 1, 2005)
- School Vouchers (March 27, 2005)
- Bush is a Big-Government Statist (February 18, 2005)
Power, Corporations, Financial System, Bailouts, Burdens: More Money for Freddie Mac
“A.I.G. planning huge bonuses after $170 billion bailout” by Edmund L. Andrews and Peter Baker (at – Published: March 14, 2009 (
Corporations: Blackstone–Eagleburger–Halliburton
Corporations: The Making of Halliburton
Reinventing Government – “look at federal government corporations, focusing on the legal implications arising from their character as both public and private entities”
Power, Planners, Policy, Corporations, Subsidies: “How the Government funds lobby groups to lobby it for money” by Ed West ( – May 25, 2009. (
Tony Blair tipped to Take Over as CEO of BP
Corporations, Public-Private: “Have you heard about the company that runs Britain?” by Graham Ruddick ( – Aug. 26, 2009. Serco: “It inspects schools, trains our armed forces, helps protect our borders, maintains our nuclear weapons, runs our trains and operates our prisons.”
Gulf Oil Disaster, Corporations, Energy: To Gulf Fishermen from BP–“Work for Us or Else–No Compensation.” (
Psychopaths: I, Psychopath-CBC Documentary. Workings of a Corporate Psychopath’s Mind – Video
State Control, Corporations, Public-Private: “Obama to Government Motors: “Let’s Roll” ” by Karen De Coster ( – May 22, 2009.
Corporate Subsidies/Welfare, Public-Private Partnership: “The City” and Heist of the Century
Corporate Subsidies/Welfare, Public-Private Partnership: More Corporate Welfare
Corporations, Privileges: New Law Makes Corporations Immune from Law Suits Involving International Law
Corporate Rights Ride Over Democracy
“Management Futures: The World in 2018” ( – Brain Enhancements, Big Brother, etc. etc.
Privatization: Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Bids to Takeover Toll Roads in Australia (
The State as Protection Racket
Reinventing Government – “look at federal government corporations, focusing on the legal implications arising from their character as both public and private entities”
Corporations, Public-Private: “Have you heard about the company that runs Britain?” by Graham Ruddick ( – Aug. 26, 2009. Serco: “It inspects schools, trains our armed forces, helps protect our borders, maintains our nuclear weapons, runs our trains and operates our prisons.”