Disease, Research, Medical Treatment
- Vaccine scientist admits SV40 virus (potentially cancer-causing) & other viruses found in polio vaccine
- Book – “Cancer-Free” (info of great value)
- Vaccines 1.7 – mumps outbreaks after vaccination and 2010 legal action alleging false claims about mumps vaccine
- Vaccines 1.6 – Polio “eradication” vaccine spreads polio in Nigeria (2009)
- Vaccines 1.5 – Context: Agenda 21 and the global use of vaccines to the “fullest extent possible”
- Vaccines 1.2 – Context: H. G. Wells and his “world biological controls”
- G. K. Chesterton’s “Eugenics and Other Evils” – A Response to Eugenics Promotion
- Freedom of conscience vs. global population policies (Part 14) (conclusion)
- Ebola hype: The elite television anchor: narrator of reality
- “Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone” by Hoffer and Saul (tbc)
- Gnostic Media interview on the chemical manipulation of humanity
- U.S. patent examples relating to fertility management, immunocontraceptive vaccines, special addiction and Alzheimer’s “vaccines”, Canadian government funding of vaccines and genomics (updated July 5, 2023)
- U.S. patent related to “human fertility control” and “vaccination” – includes a discussion of the hazard of vaccination-induced auto-immune disease (updated July 25, 2023)
- 2010 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. story on Danish study that CDC uses to claim safety of mercury in vaccines
- Powerful Film on Vaccines: Lethal Injection
- Did you miss this when listening to mainstream media mercenaries? Vaccine-autism cover-up – CDC whistleblower admits to fraud
- Gnostic Media interviews Dr. Rima Laibow on health, vaccines, autism & caste system of Huxley’s Brave New World
- Gnostic Media’s second interview with David Asprey on “The Bulletproof Mind and Body”
- Heading towards mandatory HIV testing? Obama’s executive HIV initiative conspires with UN, with billions in profits heading to global financiers
- Military industrial complex training the young to enjoy being tracked and scanned (and “vaccinated” against mass “zombie” infections)
- Study: Some oral poliovirus vaccines were contaminated with infectious SV40 cancer virus after 1961
- CDC: cancer, simian virus 40 (SV40), and polio vaccine fact sheet
- The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history, efficacy, and long-term health-related consequences
- Study says polio eradication known to be impossible, huge increase in non-polio paralysis (47,500 cases) directly proportional to doses of oral polio vaccine
- Other stories of HPV vaccine side-effects
- Gardasil warning – CNN report 8.11.8
- Red Ice interviews dentist and naturopath Alison Adams on mercury toxicity (dental fillings also), nutrition and detox
- June 2013–new herbicide cancer study: glyphosate (used on gmo’s we’re eating) induces human breast cancer cell growth via estrogen receptors
- Japanese health ministry withdraws recommendation for cervical cancer vaccine (so-called)
- Gnostic Media interviews David Asprey on “Bulletproof” coffee, diet, fat and health
- Red Ice interview with Anthony Gucciardi on Boston bombings, gun control & transhumanism
- Gnostic Media interview part 2 with Colin A. Ross on psychiatry, mental illness, CIA mind control, psychedelic movement
- Hypothyroidism increase among U.S. West Coast newborns after Fukushima nuclear meltdown
- A farmer’s war against GM crops
- Teens susceptible to hepatitis B infection despite vaccination as infants, many harmful side effects and reports of injury
- Vaccine domination – HPV vaccine (Gardasil) – injuries and deaths confirmed by Judicial Watch – $6 million paid out in claims to victims via controlled injury compensation system – thousands of injuries reported
- Paul Connett on the fluoride fraud
- Another story on Pandemrix swine flu vaccine causing incurable narcolepsy in European children
- Deaths of Hugo Chavez & others – cancer the secret weapon?
- Smallpox vaccine testing and fall-out
- CBC: Artificial sweeteners (like aspartame) tied to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes
- Big Dairy petitions FDA for aspartame in milk without a label
- Gardasil HPV vaccine destroys girl’s ovaries
- Vermont whooping cough outbreak involved 90% vaccinated children
- Anti-fluoride movement victory over toxic-waste pushers in Windsor Ontario
- H1N1 Pandemrix flu vaccine caused narcolepsy in hundreds of European children
- Vaccine-caused meningitis story in Africa (newer article with more evidence)
- Interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield, link between MMR vaccine and autism confirmed by recent case, principle of informed consent, toxic material, irritable bowel syndrome, lawsuit update
- Canadian complaints about airport body scanners – we’re treated like animals
- Studies link aspartame and cancer
- Diet soda, aspartame shown to destroy kidney function
- Polio vaccine, SV40 monkey virus contamination and cancer
- New Zealand survey shows that unvaccinated children are healthier
- vaccineinjury.info survey shows that unvaccinated children less affected by common diseases
- Millions of Americans harmed by prescription drugs
- 8 quotes from a cancer surgeon that will set your hair on fire
- Justin Trudeau confronted on NATO wars and depleted uranium – on target question by We Are Change Victoria
- Vaccine issues
- Retired Australian police sergeant: parents of babies unjustly blamed for deaths possibly caused by vaccination
- “Zombie apocalypse” military exercises, actual media discussion and another stupid zombie movie
- Ontario Medical Association wants government to invade your grocery shopping – do they represent Ontario doctors or are they part of New World Order policy making?
- Italian court rules that mobile phones can cause cancer
- Spermicidal corn and other biopharmaceutical crops
- Genetically modified corn and rat cancer study
- Harvard study (2012) finds fluoride lowers IQ
- Fluoride's effects on the brain and many other organs
- Indian study (2011) – fluoride physically alters brain
- Gnostic Media interview: Curtis Duncan – The Conspiracy to Feminize Males & Masculinize Females
- Double-speak in UK nasal spray flu vaccine propaganda
- BPA-Free products still contain bisphenols of equal toxicity
- International trade in human body parts
- Scientist predicts eugenic society in 5 years, genetic tests for parents
- Genetically modified mosquitoes released in Brazil
- Crop fungicide linked to diabetes
- Interview with Nora Gedgaudas on the benefits of paleolithic nutrition vs. grains
- Psychiatric Drugs: “Anatomy of an Epidemic” by Robert Whitaker
- Bisphenol A (BPA) in many plastics is a neurotoxin and attacks the human reproductive system and male fertility
- Genetic social network makes it easy for you to betray your personal genetic information
- Canadian veteran's hunger strike against depleted uranium poisoning
- Interview with Kevin Annett on Canada’s Genocide
- Dr. Andrew Wakefield interview on vaccines
- Fukushima, Japan & Radiation (May 8, 2011)
- Vaccines
- Fluoride
- Disease
- Depleted Uranium
- Autism
- Flu vaccine: Polysorbate 80 and infertility study
- Mosquito experiment to “eliminate dengue” says Gates funded project
- U.S. scientists deliberately infected Guatemalans with STDs
- Hormone-disrupting chemicals
- Adverse reactions to shingles vaccine
- Concerns about H1N1 Flu Vaccine
- Do People Get Sick After Annual Flu Vaccines? (September 23, 2009)
- WHO Vaccine Leads to Polio Surge in Nigeria
- Vaccines, Swine Flu & the Principle of Self-Ownership
- North American Leaders Summit
- Swine Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease
- Big Brother monitoring families, privacy & gadgets, euthanasia, swine flu (July 29, 2009)
- Swine Flu Information (May 20, 2009)
- WHO backs DDT for malaria control (September 16, 2006)
Disease, Big Brother: “I was a government guinea pig, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” by Mark Baard (theregister.co.uk) – Sept. 5, 2008. – EPA and NIH’s National Childrens Study, 100,000 chilren studied over next 21 years: considered implantable sensors but decided on extensive biological sampling. To study causes of childhood disease trends.
Biowarfare: “MYCOPLASMA – The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases” by Donald W. Scott, MA, MSc [PDF File] (mcs-international.org) – Nexus Magazine, Aug.-Sept. 2001. – “Several strains of mycoplasma have been “engineered” to become more dangerous”
Biotechnology, Bioethics, Eugenics, Genetics, Enhancement, Transhumanism, Human Value, Technocracy: PDF File: “Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness” The President’s Council on Bioethics, Washington, D.C., October 2003 (bioethics.georgetown.edu). – “The President’s Council on Bioethics: Beyond Therapy” (bioethics.georgetown.edu).
Disease, Herbicides, War/Military: “ECOSPECTIVE: Londoner calls for inquiry into Gagetown Agent Orange” by Daniel O’Neail (at wiseupjournal.com) – May 12, 2008. (http://www.wiseupjournal.com/?p=970) – CFB Gagetown, “Inquiry into Canadian town Agent Orange health effects”
Disease, Herbicides, War/Military: “Agent Orange Alert” (agentorangealert.com). Canada, Vietnam etc.
War/Military, Disease/Biowarfare: “FORT DETRICK – Inventory Uncovers 9,200 More Pathogens” by Nelson Hernandez (washingtonpost.com) – June 18, 2009. “Laboratory Says Security Is Tighter, but Earlier Count Missed Dangerous Vials” – “The vials contained some dangerous pathogens, among them the Ebola virus, anthrax bacteria and botulinum toxin … Most of them, forgotten inside freezer drawers … ”
Population, Eugenics, Disease/Biowarfare: “Burnet’s solution: The plan to poison S-E Asia” by Brendan Nicholson (theage.com.au) – March 10, 2002. – “World-famous microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia’s greatest medical research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other “overpopulated” countries of South-East Asia.” – Wikipedia article: “Frank Macfarlane Burnet” (wikipedia.org).
Disease, Biowarfare: “Scientist arrested for smuggling vials used in Ebola research into US” (breitbart.com) – May 13, 2009.
Video: “Phage – The Virus that Cures.avi – 48:53” (video.google.com) – Nov 6, 2006. (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8887931967515748990&ei=SdlTSoX3KaXqrALzvexF&q=phage&hl=en&dur=3)
Health Procedures, Forced Treatment: –Gillick Law (original: http://library.athabascau.ca/drr/HADM%20400/caahc.pdf)
“Phage Therapy Receives Best of What’s New Award” (intralytix.com) – Nov. 13, 2006.
“CBS News Video: Spray For Bacteria-Free Meat” (intralytix.com).
“Canadian train quarantined after woman dies on board”
“Accidents at Disease Lab Acknowledged”
Blood Screening for Retrovirus
Virus, Diabetes, Medical: Virus Possible Cause of Type 1 Diabetes
How Pharma Corrupted academic Institutions
Video: “The Military-Medical Complex” (brasschecktv.com).
“Bill Gates Unleashes Swarm of Mosquitoes on Crowd” (foxnews.com) – Feb. 5, 2009.
“Mosquitoes as new medical syringes” (null-hypothesis.co.uk).
Ontario-Expect 1 in 3 people to Develop Asthma
“Rise in multiple allergy patients” by Sue Emmett (news.bbc.co.uk) – April 14, 2009.
“Vitamin ‘may prevent memory loss’ ” (news.bbc.co.uk) – Sept. 9, 2008.