Civil Liberties
Civil Liberties, Rights & Freedoms
- You can sign the Free North Declaration
- “People in authority lie” – Listen to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Berlin press conference
- Liberal government’s throne speech
- Reasons to not vote in the Canadian election – part 2 (Oct 13)
- Recommended: real questions for all candidates on real issues (Canadian federal election)
- Alan Watt explains the context of Canadian Bill C-51 tyranny, including article by Canadian lawyer Clayton Ruby
- Opposition in Canada to Bill C-51 “anti-terrorism” bill
- Guardian Reports CIA-style “Black Site” Detention Facility in Chicago
- Police state laws like Bill C-51 creating world dictatorship
- Libertarian Party of Canada leader on anti-terror Bill C-51
- petition: REJECT FEAR. Stop government’s “secret police” bill
- All Canadians are complicit in Omar Khadr’s torture, says lawyer
- Stop spying on us! OpenMedia: send a message to the PM (Updated)
- Bill C-51 Anti-terrorism Act and Bill C-44 – hammering a few more nails in the coffin of Canadian rights and freedoms (updated)
- Thoughts on January 18, 2015
- Canada’s False Flag Terror: Fingerprints of U.S. Involvement | Global Research
- Government also announces more threats to due process and rights as Bill C-44 introduced – CSIS powers beefed up under new bill tabled by Steven Blaney
- Forsaken Principles of Canadian Society
- The integration of Canada into a U.S. dominated North American Security Perimeter
- Don’t tase me, bro! the man behind the meme – WeAreChange interviews Andrew Meyer
- “What country is this?” Shock video shows police forcibly drawing blood. New totalitarian system owns your body. Journalists stunned.
- Alberta flood evacuations predictably turn into martial law exercises–residents angry as RCMP seize guns from homes — “not allowed” to return to “their” homes – “authorities” still deciding
- Harper government enacts law threatening masked protesters with ten-year jail terms
- “Shackles . . . Middle Ages . . . Torture ” — Vladimir Putin’s response to US criticism (December)
- NSA’s Canadian counterpart runs massive domestic spying program
- U.S. online snooping: what Canadians need to know
- U.S. Supreme Court: police can force open your mouth and swab your DNA
- New Canadian protest prevention law makes it illegal to wear masks at “unlawful protests”
- Standard for new world order: mass strip-search of Quebec students during exam. What are children learning? No privacy, no rights, worship government
- North Scottish airports ‘used for rendition flights’
- Australian eugenics bill proposes sterilization and psychosurgery of children without parental consent (2013)
- Security certificates and secret evidence
- Overview of terrorism-related cases in Canada
- Via terror plot arrests in Canada – “holy cow moment” with Jaser’s immigration history
- Via Rail train plot and Boston bombing combined to pass S-7, the Combating Terrorism Act. What would Diefenbaker think? Does his Bill of Rights contradict S-7?
- Details of S-7: Combating Terrorism Act
- Anti-terror bill S-7 passed by House of Commons, devastating attack on rights and freedoms, power grab using same old excuse, looking forward to future of endless abuse
- Report condemns U.S. government for torture, overshadowed by Boston Marathon bombings
- Exposing the delusions of the “conservative” movement and the false left-right paradigm, a reality-based assessment of Margaret Thatcher
- James Holmes (Aurora suspect), “truth drugs”, and how the CIA hid the MKULTRA mind-control program – also: psychiatry, eugenics, euthanasia
- Bill C-56 “Combating Counterfeit Products Act” and Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
- 19-yr-old helps organize strategic activism against the National Defense Authorization Act (indefinite detention of anyone, assassination, global battlefield)
- Obama’s Brain Activity Map project (BAM)
- Drone testing and development in Alberta
- Canadian complaints about airport body scanners – we’re treated like animals
- Rapiscan body scanners to be removed from airports, replacing, rape-n-scan devices being relocated
- Monckton to Obama: Britain will leave tyranny of European Union
- UK children being taken from families because of dubious “experts” and government adoption policies
- Use of torture-derived information by CSIS is slammed
- Judge rejects Canadian spy agency’s bid to wiretap citizens & corporations
- TSA expanding to all modes of transportation: highways, buses, rail, funiculars
- Privacy-violating palm scanners in schools and hospitals
- Raped by the TSA
- Tasers (cattle prods for humans) can cause cardiac arrest and death
- Drug testing 12-yr-old for scrapbooking club, State owns your body, TSA, sports leagues, schools lead the way in violations, most go along
- Retired Australian police sergeant: parents of babies unjustly blamed for deaths possibly caused by vaccination
- Potential catastrophes used to justify RFID contracts for tracking human beings
- Masonic child identification program – no chip (yet) but DNA and biometrics – getting us ready for the real deal?
- Domestic surveillance drone build-up in the U.S.
- Taguba Report on abuse of Abu Ghraib prisoners in Iraq
- WikiLeaks begins to release documents on Pentagon prisons
- Is this supposed to happen in Canada? Pakistani politician interrogated at Toronto airport for his views on killer drone attacks
- Former Canadian MP John Manly released by the Israelis after effort to break the blockade of Gaza, NDP hierarchy exposed, Noam Chomsky praises the mission
- US/Canada Border Conference events push "Beyond the Border" declaration – continuing to build North American Union
- Informative Red Ice interview on RFID spy chip tracking, how people are conditioned to accept it gradually
- Activist's airport confrontation: free speech, cancer/DNA warnings about body scanners, media complicity
- UK establishing "new generation of secret courts"
- TSA refuses to obey judges (who ignored major constitutional concerns) – White House pulls the petition – assault continues on privacy and health
- Adam 'Ademo' Mueller, Journalist And Founder, Faces 21 Years In Jail After Reporting School Police Brutality
- Interview with Roger Hayes of the British Constitution Group
- CSIS pushes Internet spy Bill C-30 even though it's on hold due to massive opposition
- European Court demands secret documents about U.S. torture prison in Poland
- Explaining pro-tyranny propaganda in the Batman trilogy
- Showing the way: real American refuses to comply with internal checkpoints
- NSA whistle-blowers giving evidence in lawsuit against illegal mass surveilance of electronic communications
- Eugenics and forced sterilization in America
- Michael Shaw: we must defeat local implementation of Agenda 21
- Psychiatrists on control, education, family, the soul and world government
- Ardent Sentry 2012 U.S.-Canada military exercises demonstrate North American integration, May 2-9
- UK Internet and email surveillance to include secret courts
- The situation with Omar Khadr and the CBC poll(s)
- NHL star takes a stand for rights and freedoms
- The wars are unacceptable and I don't believe anything you say. Leave people alone.
- Pro-peace Phil Donahue on U.S. foreign policy
- The Nation's Deathbed
- U.S. Senate finishing off the long process of destroying America's freedoms
- Torture
- Pre-Crime
- Police
- Freedoms
- Drug War
- Domestic Unrest
- Dissent
- Data Collection
- Civil Liberties
- Former CIA officer condemns Patriot Act and desecration of the constitution
- Road side checkpoints drawing blood
- G20 Toronto – stories of disgusting criminal abuse by the “authorities”
- U.S. government radiating Americans with mobile x-ray vans
- 10 signs the U.S. is becoming a third world country
- Zero privacy while flying, constant personal surveillance
- World submerged in darkness of NATO torture
- Definition of “serious offence” expanded, threatens marijuana users and others
- Woman’s ordeal at Vancouver airport
- Vancouver policeman versus disabled woman
- U.S. government torture and participation by psychologists
- Taser challenges Canadian stun gun inquiry
- War resister wins another shot at permanent residence
- The official 9/11 story was a lie to kick off all these wars
- Boycott strategy
- (Police State Canada: The Emergence into Fascism) Frank McKenna interviewed about Bilderberg
- Concerns about H1N1 Flu Vaccine
- Fall of the Republic (Kill your TV)
- Vaccines, Swine Flu & the Principle of Self-Ownership
- Canada’s Treatment of Benamar Benatta
- Britain and Torture
- About Canadian Liberty
- Random Breath Tests: Canadian Parliament Proposes Eradication of Freedom
- Nationalization, Handcuffed for Handrail, BPA, Vaccines, Detention, Torture, Science Propaganda, Globalism (May 24, 2009)
- News and Issues (February 21, 2009)
- Taking Liberties (December 27, 2008)
- Canadian Liberty Report (November 16, 2008)
- Canadian Liberty Notes (November 11, 2008)
- Statement at Albert Campbell All-Candidates Debate [2008 election] (war, civil liberties, climate change, etc.) (October 10, 2008)
- Secret Trials and Security Certificates (August 30, 2008)
- Cory Doctorow, Canadian Science Fiction Author and Civil Liberties Advocate (August 15, 2008)
- Abuse of Omar Khadr (August 10, 2008)
- Guantanamo Injustice (August 9, 2008)
- Bill C-61 [2008] (July 31, 2008)
- You will now be required to submit blood and urine samples (July 16, 2008)
- Let the War Resisters Stay in Canada (July 11, 2008)
- Momin Khawaja Trial in Ottawa (July 4, 2008)
- U.K.’s David Davis: Assault on Freedoms “Must be Stopped” (June 14, 2008)
- Glimmer of Hope in the U.K. [2008] (June 13, 2008)
- Privacy czar probes alleged Net hack by officials (April 4, 2008)
- Canadian Civil Liberties (December 25, 2007)
- Nova Scotia Inmate’s Death Associated with Taser (November 23, 2007)
- Libertarian Party Hails Opening of ‘Rendition’ (film) [2007] (October 25, 2007)
- Security Certificates Legislation (October 23, 2007)
- Warrantless Search of ISP’s (October 20, 2007)
- 2007 Policy Suggestions for Libertarian Party of Canada (January 24, March 8, March 29, 2007)
- U.K. New Rules: Glorification of Terrorism, 3 Month Internment and Deporting, “Ricin” plot (October 29, 2006)
- Torture of Maher Arar (September 23, 2006)
- Serenity: Introductory Speech, All-Candidates Debate (post: Jan 21, 2006)
- Crime, Restitution, Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties (post Jan 21, 2006)
- Rogers TV spot: Liberty, Kyoto, Prohibition, Crime, Hand Guns, Free Speech, War and Torture and Everything Else (January 21, 2006)
- Canadian government seeking greater wiretap access (October 10, 2005)
- Libertarian Club – East Toronto (September 4, 2005)
- No Fly List in Canada (August 21, 2005)
- 7/7 Bombings and Terrorism (July 10, 2005)
- Ashcroft and 9/11 (July 10, 2005)
- Police State Trends: Real ID Act (April 24, 2005)
- Torture Policies: Maher Arar (March 2, 2005)
- Liberty, war & politics – Maher Arar and torture
- Liberty, war & politics – Syria, Iraq
Indefinite detention: “VIP ‘stalker’ squad set up by government” by Joanna Bale ( – May 27, 2007. – “The unit, staffed by police and psychiatrists, will have the power to detain suspects indefinitely using mental health laws.”
Dissent, Civil Liberties: “Cross-party fury over MP’s arrest” ( – Nov. 28, 2008.
Why Systems Become Murderous Exploitation Machines ( – “…The American libertarians understood this and inspired a revolutionary constitution that guaranteed the individual the right to intervene (bear arms, free speech, etc.). This libertarianism also nurtured a deep and healthy cultural distrust of governments, institutions, banks and corporations.” – “… several players pick up the above need in activism to “organize†and substitute the organizing itself for the activism. The latter organizing is not one rooted in necessity for safety and in self-defence but instead takes on the characteristics of a membership drive and an educational program to build shared opinions….”
Media Propaganda and Censorship, Civil Liberties: Washington Post on Wikileaks -rushes to promote arrest of Assange and Internet censorship and everything the U.S. government does
Reverse Discrimination and Government Jobs
Civil Liberties, Laws/Control Grid, Seizure: “Councils get ‘Al Capone’ power to seize assets over minor offences” by Sean O’Neill ( – Oct. 28, 2009.
Guantanamo: “Binyam blames UK for mistreatment” ( – March 13, 2009.
Marxism, Social Engineering, Culture, Attack on Middle Class Business and Freedoms: Can’t Advertise for Reliable Worker-Discriminates against Unreliable
U.S. Torture, Illegal Detention, Afghanistan: Taxi to the Dark Side
“Privilege” instead of rights, attack on nation state, tax on “birthright privilege”, globalist wealth redistribution, “give back to the world” – “world” means the global bureacracy: Accidental Place of Birth and New Citizenship
Search, Seizure: “Clarity Sought on Electronics Searches – U.S. Agents Seize Travelers’ Devices”
Strip Search Muslims-US General States
Canada to launch no-fly list in June
Seizure: “Cops can now ‘take all your stuff’ ” by Mindelle Jacobs ( – April 21, 2009.
Canada to launch no-fly list in June
Watch List Snaring Innocents: “A Good Name Dragged Down”
Ex CIA Official–Patriot Act is a Nazi Law
“511 Observes 30 Day Vigil Over Fusion Center Identity” ( – April 6, 2009.
“The 5-11 Campaign Committee – Americans Against Real-ID” (
“George W. Bush’s Disposable Constitution” by Scott Horton ( – March 3, 2009.
“Oath Keepers aim to curb federal power” by Jessica Mayrer (at – Aug. 22, 2009.
“Obama restarting Guantanamo” ( – May 15, 2009.
“Man convicted in absentia for terror hoax”
“The many-headed serpent that threatens freedom of the press” ( – May 4, 2009.
Video: “Rachel Maddow: Indefinite detention? Shame on you… President Obama” (
Civil Liberties, Surveillance: Civil Liberties traded Off for “Security”–Napolitano
“Fusion Centers and Intelligence Sharing” (
“Privacy & Civil Liberties – Fusion Centers” (
VIDEO: “Taking liberties” (
“David Davis resigns from Commons” ( – June 13, 2008.